Hale County Literacy Council
The Hale County Literacy Council was established in 1986. Its mission is to increase literacy and learning awareness and opportunities in the adult population and to use effective education practices to help children and their families. The Council assists and enhances literacy/learning efforts by serving as an information source, by acting as a liaison among developing and existing programs and by linking individuals and services in the community.
Our Goals:
Create public awareness in the area of literacy
Provide effective information and referral
Disseminate books
Organize literacy programs, including those addressing job readiness and business/computer skills, as well as general life skills
Initiate innovative learning opportunities
Serve as a liaison with public and private resources
Involve the corporate community in learning partnership opportunities
Provide learning technology opportunities

Our Services:
Our services are free and confidential. Adults seeking to learn to read and write, or to learn office skills and job readiness skills, are matched with trained literacy volunteers for weekly tutorial sessions.
We need volunteers:
We train volunteers to teach basic reading and writing skills, as well as basic computer skills and office/business computer skills. Most tutoring sessions are conducted twice weekly according to the schedules of the tutor and student. The instructors’ training is free.
The Hale County Junior Literacy Council:
The Hale County Junior Literacy Council consists of high school students who volunteer their time to assist with annual family literacy events. Volunteer hours are recorded and prove useful for service/transcript purposes.